My boys ~ how they have grown!

Whee---WTG Zach!

Adam's first run! Whee--!!
Whee---WTG Zach!
Adam's first run! Whee--!!
Sorry All, no updates! WOW August 2, 2010 already! Had a few nice days away with my family in the Wisconsin Dells. I am posting a few pics. Adam's 11th birthday was on the Monday and he and his brother got to go Zip Lining! Whoo-hoo! They had fun. This was the last of our getaways and we had some fun in the sun and water. Now its time to start to get into the "school" mode. Another year is upon us and wonder what it will bring. Yesterday was my mother-in-laws 75th birthday .. spent the day with family, which was nice since we don't see everyone often. Boys had fun seeing their cousins. Summer is just fun I say!
I am busy with the store, continuing to strive with all that I have. Always thinking of some new ideas to bring to the table ~ as all I am sure are! Fall is upon us and there is some very nice things out in the market! I do love the fall for decorating ... it is one of my favorites. Today is going to be in the 90's .. so talking about the fall weather is cooling me down a bit! Today I am off to my Mother's to do her hair. Saturday I sprayed for Ants and grocery shopped for them ... kinda quiet but I know its about to errupt! Dad's surgery is coming fast and decisions are still being made of who will care for my Mom while Dad is gone. Heavy Heart I have when I think about it. I will also make my way to church for Eucaristic Adoration ~ love the church when it is dark and quiet and all you do is think and pray... one time my boys stay totally quiet! Well I hope you are enjoying your day wherever you may be! Til I blog agin may your day be blessed! ~~Bobbie
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