Saturday, April 23, 2011

~ Easter Blessings ~

Something about the Easter Season that brings such a sense of peace, it could be that I spend a bit more time praying about all the blessings in my life, Good and Bad.  We all know things happen for reasons we don't know, but it is the strength from above that get us through them.  Bittersweet with my boys, for they really don't think the bunny hops to our home anymore, but the baskets usually have some goodies waiting for them.  The older boy, Zach, did not color eggs with me, x-box & his friends now has taken over that spot ... glad my younger one, Adam,  still enjoys coloring egggs, (sigh).  This morning it was nice that Zach accpmpanied me to church to have the food blessed, it has been a long tradition of mine to do this and I hope it will be passed along when the time comes.  Both my boys participated in Holy Thursday mass, and my husband and I were Eucharistic Ministers, I love when the whole family is apart of the mass.  Good Friday Zach was asked to serve the mass, I am very proud of him.  But as he is getting older, he feels this will be his last year for Alter Serving ... (sigh). 
Today is also Adam's first game ... finally the weather is cooperating ...let's go Yankee's!  Very windy but at least 60 degrees ... storms, cool and cloudy conditions all a little wind I guess will be fine.  My Murphy update for this time around is he was very excited to have his first sleep over, we took in our friends Lab for the night ... they were very happy to be with each other....needless to say I would never want two dogs at a time :)  Love them and very entertaining, but alot of work.  
I bought my first pot of pansies, put them on the front step, and yep Murph went for them, he is a goat, not a dog...I will not be having many flowers this season for he will eat them all - he such a boy!
Tomorrow I will be having my family here for Easter, little Quinn will be here for his first Easter, can't wait.  Good to have a new baby in the family.
The pictures I am sharing today are a few of the rearrangements I already did because I wasn't happy of course with how I set up the first, a pic of Adam dying eggs, & of his pancake creation he made on his own, I think its a snowman ..LOL. and included a picuture of Murphy and Rory ... I think murph has his tongue out!  You can tell who the puppy still is :)

I hope you have a Blessed Easter ~ A blessful Spring & bLeSsinGs today :)  ~~ Bobbie 

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